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Consumers today have a strong interest in where their food comes from, including how food animals are raised and handled. To help build consumer trust in dairy products, the DCWC is pleased to offer the webinar series. The webinars feature top-rated topics from previous DCWC Annual Symposiums as well as other pertinent subject areas.

The live educational sessions are available at no cost to attendees from around the world, but you must register.

  • Recordings are only available to active members of the DCWC. CC capable in Spanish, French, etc.
  • Continuing Education Credit is awarded to DCWC Members on an hour per hour basis. DCWC Members may contact following your participation to request Veterinary CE documentation.

Upcoming Events!


October 10th, 2024 (3 PM EST)

Importance of anti-inflammatory therapies to improve the welfare and production of cows with E. coli mastitis

Speaker: Ricardo C. Chebel

In this webinar, we will dive deep into the critical role of anti-inflammatory therapies in improving the welfare and productivity of dairy cows suffering from gram negative mastitis, a significant challenge in dairy farms. The presentation will highlight recent research that evaluated the effects of a transdermal non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on the behavioral, physiological, and productive responses of Holstein cows challenged with E. coli. 

Attendees will gain insights into how timely anti-inflammatory treatment can alleviate pain, reduce the severity of mastitis, and enhance milk production. Additionally, we will discuss how these precision therapies can be integrated into dairy management practices to promote both animal welfare.

This is a must-attend session for dairy producers, farm managers, veterinarians, and anyone interested in advancing dairy cow welfare. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how cutting-edge research and therapies can contribute to the dairy well-being and productivity.

Register now!

October 10th, 2024 (4:15 PM EST)

Importancia de las terapias antiinflamatorias para mejorar el bienestar y la producción de vacas con mastitis por E. coli

Ponente: Ricardo C. Chebel

En este webinar, profundizaremos en el papel fundamental de las terapias antiinflamatorias para mejorar el bienestar y la productividad de las vacas lecheras que padecen mastitis causada por bacterias gramnegativas, un desafío significativo en las granjas lecheras. La presentación destacará una investigación reciente que evaluó los efectos de un antiinflamatorio no esteroideo transdérmico en las respuestas conductuales, fisiológicas y productivas de vacas Holstein desafiadas con E. coli.

Los asistentes obtendrán información sobre cómo el tratamiento antiinflamatorio oportuno puede aliviar el dolor, reducir la gravedad de la mastitis y mejorar la producción de leche. Además, discutiremos cómo estas terapias de precisión pueden integrarse en las prácticas de manejo lechero para promover el bienestar animal.

Esta es una sesión imprescindible para productores lecheros, administradores de granjas, veterinarios y cualquier persona interesada en promover el bienestar de las vacas lecheras. No pierda esta oportunidad de aprender cómo la investigación y las terapias de vanguardia pueden contribuir al bienestar y la productividad en la industria lechera.

¡Regístrese ahora!

Webinar Recordings

Access to the webinar recordings is a member benefit.

Terms and Conditions

Recordings and handout materials from past symposiums and webinars are provided to DCWC members on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You have unlimited access to the content for your personal viewing and educational purposes only. You agree not to download, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or misuse any content for any other purposes without the prior written consent of the original author(s). While the DCWC aims to ensure that educational materials posted on this site are science-based and from reputable sources, some information contained within may represent views and opinions of the original authors/creators and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement by DCWC. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you may not access or otherwise use this website. Your membership can be terminated by the Executive Board for violating this agreement or behavior detrimental to the purpose of the Dairy Cattle Welfare Council.